Areas of Interest:
Analysis of Large Data Sets, Applied Microeconometrics
Technical Expertise:
Stata, Big Data, Linked Employer-Employee Data
External Relations Manager
Areas of Interest:
Banking, Corporate Finance, Microdata Analysis
Technical Expertise:
Firm Level Data, Financial Data, Quarto
Areas of Interest:
Analysis of Large Data Sets, Statistical Disclosure Control, Sampling
Areas of Interest:
Labour Economics, Policy Evaluation, Applied Microeconometrics.
Technical Expertise:
Stata, OpenRefine, Firm Level Data, Linked Employer-Employee Data
Areas of Interest:
Data Analytics, Economic Modelling
Areas of Interest:
Labour Economics, Economics of Education, Applied Econometrics
Technical Expertise:
Stata, R, Linux, Linked Employer-Employee Data
Areas of Interest:
Analysis of Large Data Sets
E‐mail address
[email protected]
Rua do Almada, 71 4º andar
4050-036 Porto
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