Supporting Documents

List of supporting documents for the available datasets
Title Descriptionsort ascending Year of Publication Relevance
Decreto-Lei_2007_8 Creates IES, which is a platform allowing firms to fulfill four different reporting duties: to send the annual declaration on accounting and tax information to the Ministry of Finance, the financial statements to the Ministry of Justice and the obligation to provide statistical information to the National Statistics Institute (INE) and to Banco de Portugal. 2007 CB
Manual Procedimentos CRC CRC Manual - Instrução n.º21/2008 2014 CRC_FRM
Decreto-Lei_2011_36-A Approves the “Accounting and financial reporting standards for micro-entities”. 2011 CB
Portaria_2009_986 Approves IES New Forms for Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Statement and Cash-Flow Statement 2009 CB
Portaria_2008_8 Approves IES New Forms 2008 CB


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