
The Banco de Portugal Microdata Research Laboratory (BPLIM) provides two forms of access to the microdata available: on-site and remote access.

BPLIM has two servers. The Internal Server is primarily for use by Banco de Portugal's own researchers (internal researchers), while the External Server, with remote access capabilities, is intended for external researchers. Internal researchers have unrestricted data access, whereas external researchers are subject to certain limitations.

For complete information about all relevant procedures involving data access at BPLIM, please consult the Guide for Researchers.


Access to BPLIM micro datasets requires submitting an Application Form, which can also be found in the Download Section below. The application must, among others:

  • contain a short description of the research project;
  • identify all researchers involved in the project and their affiliation;
  • identify the datasets, timeframe, and variables required.

All external researchers with access to the data are also required to sign a Confidentiality Agreement and submit a copy of their Curriculum Vitae. If the project involves a master’s or doctoral dissertation, the supervisor(s) must be identified and also sign the Confidentiality Agreement.

BPLIM staff will assist researchers in identifying the required datasets and, if necessary, in creating a customized dataset tailored to their needs.

Researchers can request the inclusion of external datasets in their projects. o do so, they must complete an External Datasets Form, and BPLIM must approve the use of these datasets.

Applications can be sent via e-mail to: [email protected].

Upon submission of all documentation, the project will be evaluated. Once approved, data access will be granted on one of BPLIM's servers.

Output Access

External researchers are never permitted to transfer files to or from BPLIM’s servers. This policy also applies to internal researchers working on the external server.

Researchers working with BPLIM micro datasets must ensure that, as a general principle, output logs should never contain information that reveals individual records. Instead, they should include only aggregate-level information. The guidelines for output extraction at BPLIM are detailed in the Output Control Manual.

Output verification depends on staff availability and may take longer during peak periods. BPLIM staff will respond to output extraction requests sent by email and will take the necessary time to ensure that all confidentiality requirements are met.

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