SI_P113 |
Internal |
Corporate taxation and economic activity in Portugal |
Afonso Souto Moura |
Banco de Portugal |
2024 |
Open |
SE_P172 |
External |
The government’s dilemma: Uncovering the impacts of government subsidies and accounting policy |
Amedeo Pugliese |
University of Padova |
2024 |
Open |
SE_P189 |
External |
Avaliação da rentabilidade e eficiência dos bancos em períodos de taxas de juro baixas |
Liliana Campos Brito |
Universidade Minho |
2024 |
Open |
SE_P167 |
External |
Impact of capital market development |
Miguel Portela |
Universidade Minho |
2024 |
Open |
SE_P184 |
External |
The credit channel of inflation |
Lorenzo Ranaldi |
University of Bonn |
2024 |
Open |
SI_P119 |
Internal |
Debt overhang |
André Nunes |
Banco de Portugal |
2024 |
Open |
SE_P173 |
External |
Going green: Do firms' investments in green technologies impact their financing conditions? |
Sujiao Zhao |
Banco de Portugal |
2024 |
Open |
SE_P190 |
External |
Retail trading fire sales |
Filipe Afonso Borges de Castro de Oliveira Martins |
Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI) and Swiss Finance Institute (SFI) |
2024 |
Open |
SE_P168 |
External |
Avaliação do risco de identificação em bases financeiras para indivíduos: uma aplicação na Central de Responsabilidades de Crédito |
Valentina Wolff Lirio |
Universidade Minho |
2024 |
Open |
SE_P185 |
External |
Optimal corporate tax: Evidence from Portugal |
Afonso Lemos Vaz de Castro |
2024 |
Open |
SE_P163 |
External |
Information types, bank-firm relationships and the transmission of monetary policy to credit supply and interest rate pass-through |
Margarida Correia Varela |
Faculdade Economia Porto |
2024 |
Open |
SE_P178 |
External |
Factoring through the cycle |
Diana Bonfim |
Banco de Portugal |
2024 |
Open |
SE_P174 |
External |
Productivity growth and resource efficiency through EU incentive system evaluation in Portugal |
Miguel Portela |
Universidade Minho |
2024 |
Open |
SE_P169 |
External |
Financial intermediation and firm dynamics |
Filipe de Assunção da Cruz Pereira |
European University Institute |
2024 |
Open |
SE_P186 |
External |
How corporate debt impacts investment of Portuguese SMEs |
Diogo do Ó Figueira Beja Falcão |
UCP Lisbon |
2024 |
Open |
SE_P164 |
External |
Electoral incentives and efforts to obtain EU funds |
Linda Rosa Fonseca Gonçalves Veiga |
Universidade Minho |
2024 |
Open |
SE_P180 |
External |
Impact of aggregate shocks on lending relationships |
Fatima Zaidi |
Rutgers University |
2024 |
Open |
SE_P176 |
External |
International trade, organizational capital and the interest rate |
Filomena Pietrovito |
University of Molise |
2024 |
Open |
SE_P170 |
External |
Lending technologies, lending relationships and banks’ capital structure |
Diana Bonfim |
Banco de Portugal |
2024 |
Open |
SE_P187 |
External |
Industrial policy and firm dynamics |
Daniel Adriano Carvalho Barbosa |
University of Oxford |
2024 |
Open |
SE_P165 |
External |
Monetary policy tightening, and transmission mechanisms: Evidence from Portugal |
André Soares e Silva |
Faculdade Economia Porto |
2024 |
Open |
SE_P181 |
External |
Multinationals firms in Portugal |
Ana Cristina Soares |
Banco de Portugal |
2024 |
Open |
SE_P177 |
External |
Structural change: How are the relationships of the services with other sectors? |
Santiago Picasso |
Universidad de la República |
2024 |
Open |
SE_P171 |
External |
Local productivity spillovers |
Pedro Portugal |
Banco de Portugal |
2024 |
Open |
SE_P188 |
External |
Monetary policy tightening, and transmission mechanisms: Evidence from Portugal |
André Soares e Silva |
Faculdade Economia Porto |
2024 |
Open |
SE_P166 |
External |
Cash holdings in Portuguese SMEs: Exploring drivers and implications |
Rodrigo Sábio Mota |
Católica Lisbon SBE |
2024 |
Open |
SE_P183 |
External |
The effect of an increase in consumer monitoring: Evidence from Portugal |
Lea Katharina Weiz |
University of Hohenheim |
2024 |
Open |
SE_P148 |
External |
The cyclicality of relationship lending |
Luísa Farinha |
Banco de Portugal |
2023 |
Open |
SI_P112 |
Internal |
Desenvolvimentos na repartição do rendimento entre trabalho e capital em Portugal na última década |
Manuel Coutinho Pereira |
Banco de Portugal |
2023 |
Open |
SE_P142 |
External |
Importância das demonstrações financeiras na previsão do resultado tributável |
António Paço |
Faculdade Economia Porto |
2023 |
Open |
SE_P158 |
External |
Touristification and local economic effects |
João Pereira dos Santos |
Católica Lisbon SBE |
2023 |
Open |
SE_P153 |
External |
Intangible capital of Portuguese firms |
Manuel Coutinho Pereira |
Banco de Portugal |
2023 |
Open |
SE_P149 |
External |
Merger gains for SME`s |
Sotirios Alexandros Tsianakas |
Nova SBE |
2023 |
Open |
SE_P162 |
External |
Financiamento das empresas no setor dos plásticos: A importância do recurso ao Factoring e ao Confirming no apoio à gestão de tesouraria |
Francisco Silva |
Universidade Aveiro |
2023 |
Open |
SE_P143 |
External |
Multi-level product classification of web-scrapped data |
Juliana Machado |
Faculdade Economia Porto |
2023 |
Open |
SE_P159 |
External |
Cash holdings in Portuguese private firms |
Francisca Mazeda Machado Correia |
Católica Lisbon SBE |
2023 |
Open |
SE_P154 |
External |
Modelos Lineares Generalizados: avaliação de ferramentas de programação numa aplicação com bases de micridados reais |
Ana Isabel Marinho |
Universidade Minho |
2023 |
Open |
SI_P105 |
Internal |
Sovereign-Bank diabolic loop: The government procurement channel |
Sujiao Zhao |
Banco de Portugal |
2023 |
Open |
SE_P144 |
External |
The role of the firms for earnings inequality and worker reallocation |
Paulo Guimarães |
Banco de Portugal |
2023 |
Open |
SE_P160 |
External |
Can EBITDA volatility help predict corporate insolvency? |
Tiago Esteves |
Católica Lisbon SBE |
2023 |
Open |
SE_P155 |
External |
O desempenho económico dos hotéis perante o estágio de desenvolvimento do setor do turismo em três diferentes regiões: Algarve, Região Autónoma dos Açores e Região Autónoma da Madeira |
Francisco Olim |
2023 |
Open |
SE_P150 |
External |
Zombie prevalence |
Gabriel Osório de Barros |
GEE - Ministério da Economia |
2023 |
Open |
SE_P146 |
External |
EU’s transfer policy and capital misallocation in Portugal |
Ana Regina Nunes Pereira |
2023 |
Open |
SE_P161 |
External |
Incentivos fiscais e o seu impacto na qualidade do investimento de empresas com restrições financeiras em Portugal |
Nanci Ribeiro |
Faculdade Economia Porto |
2023 |
Open |
SE_P156 |
External |
Nonlinearities in productivity dynamics |
José Alberto Pires Ferreira |
European University Institute |
2023 |
Open |
SE_P151 |
External |
Markup estimation using financial statements in the Portuguese economy |
Inês Milagre Martins Cortes Picciochi |
Católica Lisbon SBE |
2023 |
Open |
SE_P147 |
External |
Integration vs. Autonomy: a study of the effect of two opposing strategies in M&A success |
Laura Só Alves Moreira |
Faculdade Economia Porto |
2023 |
Open |
SI_P106 |
Internal |
Trade shocks |
Ana Cristina Soares |
Banco de Portugal |
2023 |
Open |
SE_P157 |
External |
Exploring the influence factors on Portuguese fraud |
Tomás Fróis |
Católica Lisbon SBE |
2023 |
Open |
SE_P152 |
External |
Forward tax rates |
Manuel Coutinho Pereira |
Banco de Portugal |
2023 |
Open |
SE_P134 |
External |
Credit supply shocks and market concentration: Evidence from Portugal |
Giovanni Minolfi |
Católica Lisbon SBE |
2022 |
Open |
SE_P120 |
External |
Collateral constraints and bank concentration with heterogeneous firms |
José Alberto Pires Ferreira |
European University Institute |
2022 |
Open |
SE_P129 |
External |
Private businesses and wealth inequality |
Pedro Armada |
Fordham University |
2022 |
Open |
SE_P113 |
External |
Comparação de métodos perturbativos: utilidade e perda de informação em base de microdados |
Jorge Morais |
Universidade Minho |
2022 |
Open |
SI_P096 |
Internal |
Markup premium of exporters |
Ana Cristina Soares |
Banco de Portugal |
2022 |
Open |
SE_P114 |
External |
European unconventional monetary policy and banks' risk-taking: an assessment of the impact of ECB's liquidity operations on Portuguese banks |
Laura Gomes Gouveia |
Faculdade Economia Porto |
2022 |
Open |
SE_P124 |
External |
Measuring the impact of fiscal benefits on investment |
Sílvia Santos |
GPEARI - Ministério das Finanças |
2022 |
Open |
SE_P135 |
External |
The Impact of Monetary Policy in the prevelence of zombie firms in Portugal |
Mariana Pisco Pereira |
Nova SBE |
2022 |
Open |
SE_P109 |
External |
Decarbonization in Portugal – The sectors in the ring of fire |
Inês Póvoa |
GEE- Ministério da Economia |
2022 |
Closed |
SE_P121 |
External |
Surviving the crisis: How Portuguese SME´s handle the COVID crisis |
Maria João Coelho Guedes |
2022 |
Open |
SE_P130 |
External |
Who are the firms that benefit from fiscal incentives in Portugal? |
Sílvia Santos |
GPEARI - Ministério das Finanças |
2022 |
Open |
SE_P115 |
External |
Trade and inequality |
Nicholas Jon Kozeniauskas |
Banco de Portugal |
2022 |
Open |
SI_P098 |
Internal |
How important are high-growth firms in the aggregate? |
Sónia Félix |
Banco de Portugal |
2022 |
Open |
SE_P116 |
External |
Firm dynamics - scaleups in Portuguese SMEs |
Rayam Calôba de Oliveira |
Nova SBE |
2022 |
Open |
SE_P125 |
External |
Determinantes da performance exportadora das empresas portuguesas do setor vitivinícola |
Ana Luísa Moreira Torres |
Faculdade Economia Porto |
2022 |
Open |
SE_P136 |
External |
Factors and determinants that influence companies' investment decisions |
Afonso Fontes da Silveira Botelho |
Nova SBE |
2022 |
Open |
SE_P110 |
External |
Does the bank lending channel survive under negative interest rate policy? Evidence from the Portuguese experience |
Marta Bacelar Sousa |
Faculdade Economia Porto |
2022 |
Open |
SE_P131 |
External |
Optimism and firm performance: how expectations affect firm outcomes during disruptive periods |
Filipe Grilo |
Faculdade Economia Porto |
2022 |
Open |
SE_P117 |
External |
A desaceleração do crescimento da produtividade agregada em Portugal: Os fundamentos microeconómicos |
Diogo Mendes Teixeira |
Faculdade Economia Porto |
2022 |
Open |
SI_P099 |
Internal |
Sociedades de Garantia Mútua: Uma alternativa na concessão de crédito às empresas |
Nuno Azevedo |
Banco de Portugal |
2022 |
Open |
SI_P087 |
Internal |
Crossing borders |
Diana Bonfim |
Banco de Portugal |
2022 |
Open |
SE_P126 |
External |
Fiscal multipliers in the aftermath of a natural shock, and the role of credit guarantees |
Sujiao (Emma) Zhao |
Banco de Portugal |
2022 |
Open |
SE_P137 |
External |
Prediciting corporate default with machine learning |
Alexander Seum |
Católica Lisbon SBE |
2022 |
Open |
SE_P111 |
External |
The determinants of COVID policy support and its effect on productivity |
Daniel Gomes Fernandes |
GPEARI - Ministério das Finanças |
2022 |
Open |
SE_P132 |
External |
The European Regional Development Fund and the performance of Portuguese firms |
José Mata |
Copenhagen Business School |
2022 |
Open |
SE_P118 |
External |
The impacts of extreme weather events on productivity |
Inês Póvoa |
GEE- Ministério da Economia |
2022 |
Open |
SI_P100 |
Internal |
The impact of COVID on productivity |
Fernando Martins |
Banco de Portugal |
2022 |
Open |
SI_P089 |
Internal |
Basel III and foreign direct investment |
Pedro Moreira |
Banco de Portugal |
2022 |
Open |
SE_P127 |
External |
Measuring the impact of public credit guarantees on scale ups firms |
Sílvia Santos |
GPEARI - Ministério das Finanças |
2022 |
Open |
SE_P140 |
External |
Firm financing |
Nicholas Jon Kozeniauskas |
Banco de Portugal |
2022 |
Open |
SE_P112 |
External |
Evaluation of the Single Amount Program |
Hugo Reis |
Banco de Portugal |
2022 |
Open |
SE_P122 |
External |
The impact of wildfires on bank lending |
Bernardo Vasconcelos Marques |
UCP Porto |
2022 |
Open |
SE_P133 |
External |
Minimum wages and investment |
Diana Bonfim |
Banco de Portugal |
2022 |
Open |
SE_P119 |
External |
Revenue function estimation |
José Pedro Lima Garcia |
European University Institute |
2022 |
Open |
SE_P128 |
External |
O perfil das empresas portuguesas internacionalizadas no setor do vestuário: Análise da propensão e intensidade exportadora |
Alexandra Sousa Pinto |
Faculdade Economia Porto |
2022 |
Open |
SI_P101 |
Internal |
Human capital as a source of entrepreneurial risk |
Attila Gyetvai |
Banco de Portugal |
2022 |
Open |
SI_P092 |
Internal |
Madeira free trade zone and firm performance: Evidence from an European reform |
Sónia Cabral |
Banco de Portugal |
2022 |
Open |
SE_P141 |
External |
O impacto da reestruturação no desempenho das empresas portuguesas |
Catarina Monteiro Pinto |
Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa |
2022 |
Open |
SI_P086 |
Internal |
EU support programs and firms’ performance in Portugal |
Cláudia Rodrigues Braz |
Banco de Portugal |
2022 |
Open |
SE_P123 |
External |
Determinantes do desempenho exportador das empresas portuguesas do setor do mobiliário |
Mariana Lopes de Carvalho |
Faculdade Economia Porto |
2022 |
Open |
SE_P097 |
External |
Combinações de relações bancárias e detentores do seu capital, custos de financiamento, performance e estrutura de capital das empresas |
Marisa Gonçalves |
Instituto Politécnico Viseu |
2021 |
Open |
SE_P108 |
External |
Innovation and productivity – the impact of projects in co-promotion funded by ERDF |
Miguel Portela |
Universidade Minho |
2021 |
Open |
SE_P091 |
External |
Crédito de garantia mútua para pequenas e médias empresas em Portugal |
Tiago Timoteo Leite |
Universidade Lusófona |
2021 |
Open |
SI_P085 |
Internal |
How are firms aging? |
Pedro Moreira |
Banco de Portugal |
2021 |
Open |
SI_P080 |
Internal |
Profit shifting through services trade |
Joana Garcia |
Banco de Portugal |
2021 |
Open |
SI_P078 |
Internal |
Whose Demand Drives Wage Changes? Evidence From Firm-Specific and Market-Wide Export Shocks |
Andy Garin |
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
2021 |
Open |
SE_P098 |
External |
Elasticity of the corporate income tax base in Portugal |
Diogo Viduedo |
Nova SBE |
2021 |
Open |
SE_P093 |
External |
Risco de crédito no setor da pesca |
Luís Borba Marreiros |
Universidade Évora |
2021 |
Closed |
SE_P103 |
External |
Efficiency and equity in cooperative firms and capitalistic companies – The Portuguese case |
Ricardo Borges dos Santos |
2021 |
Open |
SE_P084 |
External |
State-Aids and Credit: Evidence From Portugal During COVID-19 |
Daniela Costa |
Faculdade Economia Porto |
2021 |
Closed |
SE_P101 |
External |
What are the effects of minimum wage growth on firms´ dynamics and citizens´ well-being? |
João Pedro Afonso |
Nova SBE |
2021 |
Open |
SE_P099 |
External |
Determinants of bank capital and credit to the economy. Do banks not grant credit because they have shortage of capital? |
Rita Winkelbach Ramos |
2021 |
Closed |
SI_P071 |
Internal |
Tributação, dimensão e produtividade das empresas Portuguesas |
Manuel Coutinho Pereira |
Banco de Portugal |
2021 |
Open |
SE_P094 |
External |
Public support to firms' investment |
Miguel Gonçalves Parente |
Universidade Minho |
2021 |
Open |
SE_P106 |
External |
The impact of the sugar tax on Portuguese firms |
João Pereira dos Santos |
Nova SBE |
2021 |
Open |
SE_P086 |
External |
Credit supply driven demand shortages during Covid-19 |
Ricardo Martinho |
Banco de Portugal |
2021 |
Open |
SE_P102 |
External |
Effect of bank shocks on borrower composition |
Gil Nogueira |
Banco de Portugal |
2021 |
Open |
SE_P100 |
External |
Size-based corporate tax incentives: the way up or a lock-up? |
Nuno Barradas Silva |
Nova SBE |
2021 |
Closed |
SE_P083 |
External |
Avaliação de metodologias de controlo de confidencialidade: Uma aplicação com bases de microdados |
João Pedro Rego |
Universidade Minho |
2021 |
Closed |
SI_P074 |
Internal |
The impact of zombie firms on productivity |
Fernando Martins |
Banco de Portugal |
2021 |
Open |
SE_P095 |
External |
The impact of Covid-19 in productivity |
Joana Leitão |
Nova SBE |
2021 |
Closed |
SE_P107 |
External |
Zombie firms and misallocation |
João Monteiro |
Northwestern University |
2021 |
Open |
SE_P088 |
External |
Benefits of bank lending specialization for economic growth |
Diana Bonfim |
Banco de Portugal |
2021 |
Open |
SE_P104 |
External |
The impact of credit guarantees (Sistema Português de Garantia Mútua) |
Sujiao (Emma) Zhao |
Banco de Portugal |
2021 |
Open |
SI_P079 |
Internal |
Credit demand arising from non-financial FDI trends |
Diana Bonfim |
Banco de Portugal |
2021 |
Open |
SE_P096 |
External |
Impacto da Pandemia COVID-19 na Economia Portuguesa |
Hugo Figueiredo |
Universidade Aveiro |
2021 |
Open |
SE_P105 |
External |
Just pure luck? - On how you become a high growth firm |
Nuno Tavares |
GEE - Ministério da Economia |
2021 |
Open |
SE_P089 |
External |
Adequabilidade das técnicas de validação de modelos de probabilidades de incumprimento |
Helder Muiambo |
IPP-Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto |
2021 |
Closed |
SI_P084 |
Internal |
Currency choice in services trade |
Joana Garcia |
Banco de Portugal |
2021 |
Open |
SI_P081 |
Internal |
Banks and Labor Markets |
Diana Bonfim |
Banco de Portugal |
2021 |
Open |
SE_P075 |
External |
The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the credit risk of the accommodation services sector in Portugal: a contingent claims approach |
Catalina Rosero |
Católica Lisbon SBE |
2020 |
Closed |
SE_P065 |
External |
Monetary policy and bank lending |
Ricardo Duque Gabriel |
University of Bonn |
2020 |
Open |
SI_P068 |
Internal |
Stayin’ alive? Government support measures in Portugal during the Covid-19 pandemic |
Márcio Mateus |
Banco de Portugal |
2020 |
Closed |
SE_P071 |
External |
Optimal firm support |
Nicholas Jon Kozeniauskas |
Banco de Portugal |
2020 |
Open |
SE_P059 |
External |
Determinants of export persistence with a focus on Geographical location: A firm level analysis for Portugal |
Fernando Lopes da Silva |
Faculdade Economia Porto |
2020 |
Open |
SE_P076 |
External |
Probabilities of default: what is the impact of Covid-19 in Portuguese micro-enterprises? |
José Pedro Cruz |
Católica Lisbon SBE |
2020 |
Closed |
SE_P066 |
External |
The role of taxation in firm operational and financial behaviour |
Antoine Levy |
2020 |
Open |
SI_P066 |
Internal |
On the sources of human capital externalities |
Pedro Freitas |
Nova SBE |
2020 |
Open |
SE_P070 |
External |
Monetary policy and producivity |
Diana Bonfim |
Banco de Portugal |
2020 |
Open |
SE_P060 |
External |
Surviving the perfect storm: Exports, fiscal austerity and firm heterogeneity |
Paulo Fagandini |
Nova SBE |
2020 |
Open |
SI_P060 |
Internal |
Assessment on financial support to undertakings in Portugal: Subventions, Prizes, Repayable Assistance, Financial Instruments |
Miguel Portela |
Universidade Minho, Banco de Portugal |
2020 |
Open |
SE_P077 |
External |
The impacts of fires on companies' financial indicators in Portugal |
Marta Cardoso Lopes |
Universidad Carlos III Madrid |
2020 |
Open |
SE_P078 |
External |
The zero-leverage puzzle: Evidence from Portuguese Firms |
Maria Candeias Portugal |
Católica Lisbon SBE |
2020 |
Closed |
SE_P067 |
External |
Financial Crisis and capital structure decisions. Were all the Portuguese SMEs in the same boat? |
João Pedro Fachada |
Nova SBE |
2020 |
Open |
SE_P072 |
External |
Impact of COVID19 pandemics on corporate sector |
Rita Damas |
Nova SBE |
2020 |
Open |
SE_P062 |
External |
Firm size and the financial accelerator |
Miguel Homem Ferreira |
Nova SBE |
2020 |
Open |
SI_P063 |
Internal |
Autodomínio nos cartões de crédito: visão do paternalismo libertário |
Pedro Cavadas |
Banco de Portugal |
2020 |
Closed |
SE_P079 |
External |
Tax enforcement and bank credit |
Sheng Li |
University of Zurich |
2020 |
Open |
SE_P068 |
External |
The impact of public credit guarantees on the economic outcomes of Smes: Evidence from Portugal |
André Filipe Silva |
Nova SBE |
2020 |
Open |
SI_P062 |
Internal |
To Ask or Not to Ask: Bank Capital Requirements and Loan Collateralization |
Sudipto Karmakar |
Bank of England |
2020 |
Open |
SE_P073 |
External |
Firm productivity and survivability: Evidence from public procurement in Portugal |
Tiago Domingues |
Nova IMS |
2020 |
Open |
SE_P063 |
External |
Does organizational heterogeneity affect productive efficiency in electricity generation? |
Hou Zheng |
2020 |
Open |
SI_P064 |
Internal |
Insolvency procedures in Portugal: Duration and effectiveness |
Lara Wemans |
Banco de Portugal |
2020 |
Open |
SE_P080 |
External |
Wildfire Risks, Corporations' Responses and Costs of Debt |
Moritz Wiedemann |
Imperial College |
2020 |
Open |
SE_P069 |
External |
Resilience behaviour and policy implications from the business fallout of COVID-19 |
Soumodip Sarkar |
Universidade Évora |
2020 |
Open |
SE_P074 |
External |
State-Aid in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and the survival and productivity of zombie firms |
Ana Isabel Sá |
Faculdade Economia Porto |
2020 |
Open |
SE_P064 |
External |
Trading Non-Tradables: The Implications of Europe’s Job Posting Policy |
Mathilde Munoz |
Paris School of Economics |
2020 |
Open |
SI_P067 |
Internal |
Bank competition and credit lending |
André Nunes |
Banco de Portugal |
2020 |
Open |
SI_P065 |
Internal |
Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on firms |
Pedro Moreira |
Banco de Portugal |
2020 |
Open |
SE_P081 |
External |
A relação entre a estratégia corporativa e a estratégia financeira nas organizações em Portugal: o caso da indústria alimentar, do alojamento, do calçado e do vestuário |
Liliana Silva |
Universidade Aberta |
2020 |
Closed |
SE_P061 |
External |
Impact of VAT on companies financials |
Paulo Fagandini |
Nova SBE |
2020 |
Open |
SI_P055 |
Internal |
The effects of the TLTRO on bank credit supply: the Portuguese case |
Diana Bonfim |
Banco de Portugal |
2019 |
Open |
SI_P050 |
Internal |
The importance of being connected: An assessment of the effect of formal banks-firm ties on the allocation of resources |
Enrico Cristofoletti |
University of Trento |
2019 |
Open |
SE_P054 |
External |
Determinantes da política de distribuição de dividendos das PME não cotadas no contexto português |
Rafael Pereira Lopes |
Universidade Autónoma |
2019 |
Closed |
SE_P049 |
External |
Analysis of extreme weather events on companies' financial indicators |
Inês Póvoa |
Banco de Portugal |
2019 |
Open |
SE_P044 |
External |
The effects of TLTROs on the Portuguese economy |
José Manuel Peres Jorge |
Faculdade Economia Porto |
2019 |
Open |
SI_P057 |
Internal |
Negative interest rates and transmission of monetary policy: Evidence from Portugal |
Sónia Félix |
Banco de Portugal |
2019 |
Open |
SI_P047 |
Internal |
Financially distressed frms: Exit, recovery and productivity |
Sujiao (Emma) Zhao |
Banco de Portugal |
2019 |
Open |
SI_P051 |
Internal |
The long term effects of evergreening |
Francisca Rebelo |
Boston College |
2019 |
Open |
SE_P056 |
External |
The rise of crowd funding to small business: Dynamic impacts on local credit, labor markets, and investment |
Melissa Prado |
Nova SBE |
2019 |
Open |
SI_P048 |
Internal |
How bank lending affects firms's lifecycle: A Markov Chain approach |
Cloe Magalhães |
Banco de Portugal |
2019 |
Closed |
SE_P050 |
External |
Collateral Value and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from a property tax reform |
João Pereira dos Santos |
Nova SBE |
2019 |
Open |
SE_P045 |
External |
Gazelles: Drivers of exceptional job creation - A dynamic probit approach using Portuguese firm-level data |
Gabriel Osório de Barros |
GEE - Ministério da Economia |
2019 |
Closed |
SE_P040 |
External |
A reação das empresas aos choques negativos da recente crise económica: O caso Português |
Patrícia Brito |
Faculdade Economia Porto |
2019 |
Closed |
SE_P057 |
External |
Capital e investimento das empresas Portuguesas |
Rui Maciel |
Nova SBE |
2019 |
Closed |
SI_P049 |
Internal |
A characterisation of tourism related firm dynamics |
Paulo Rodrigues |
Banco de Portugal |
2019 |
Open |
SE_P051 |
External |
Portuguese Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) financing model: Constraints, sources and conditions |
Luis Barbosa |
2019 |
Open |
SE_P046 |
External |
Determinants of productivity in the quaternary sector |
Ana Sofia Martins |
GEE - Ministério da Economia |
2019 |
Closed |
SE_P041 |
External |
Firm financing over the lifecycle |
Nicholas Jon Kozeniauskas |
Banco de Portugal |
2019 |
Open |
SI_P054 |
Internal |
Multiple banks, lending and liquidation |
Diana Bonfim |
Banco de Portugal |
2019 |
Open |
SI_P052 |
Internal |
Os microdados da IES ao nível do estabelecimento: O Anexo R |
Ana Filipa Leite |
Faculdade Economia Porto |
2019 |
Closed |
SE_P052 |
External |
Deterrence mechanisms on tax evasion: Portuguese case |
Pedro Sousa |
Nova SBE |
2019 |
Open |
SE_P038 |
External |
Technological Change, Efficiency and Energy |
Hou Zheng |
2019 |
Closed |
SE_P047 |
External |
Trade finance and banking regulation |
João Monteiro |
Northwestern University |
2019 |
Open |
SE_P042 |
External |
Adjustment in banks’ capital ratios and its effects on Portuguese SMEs |
Vinícius Ribeiro |
Universidade Minho |
2019 |
Closed |
SI_P045 |
Internal |
Debt or Demand: Which Holds Investment Back? Evidence from an Investment Tax Credit |
Laura Blattner |
Harvard University |
2019 |
Open |
SI_P053 |
Internal |
Firms' Earnings Management and Loan Outcomes |
Catarina Martins |
Faculdade Economia Porto |
2019 |
Closed |
SE_P053 |
External |
Transport Infrastructure & Urban Spatial Structure: Economic, Social and Environmental Effects (TiTuSS) |
Patrícia Sofia Melo |
2019 |
Open |
SE_P039 |
External |
Determinants of the Credit Risk of Non-Financial Companies in Portugal. The case of Accommodation. |
Maria Teresa Conceição |
Universidade Évora |
2019 |
Closed |
SE_P048 |
External |
Corporate indebtedness and productivity of Portuguese firms |
Gabriel Osório de Barros |
GEE - Ministério da Economia |
2019 |
Closed |
SE_P043 |
External |
Financing patterns in the key sectors of the Portuguese economy |
José Manuel Peres Jorge |
Faculdade Economia Porto |
2019 |
Open |
SI_P046 |
Internal |
Financial intermediation with production networks |
Luís Fonseca |
London Business School |
2018 |
Open |
SE_P030 |
External |
Financial intermediation with production networks |
Luís Fonseca |
London Business School |
2018 |
Open |
SI_P040 |
Internal |
Dynamic matching |
Luísa Farinha |
Banco de Portugal |
2018 |
Open |
SE_P025 |
External |
Credit supply |
Samuel Lopes |
EBA, Nova SBE |
2018 |
Open |
SE_P020 |
External |
Occupational sorting, the financial channel of wage rigidity and within-firm credit |
Alessandro Sforza |
University of Bologna |
2018 |
Open |
SE_P036 |
External |
Is the EIB distorting competiton? Evidence from Portugal |
Gonçalo Freitas |
Nova SBE |
2018 |
Closed |
SI_P035 |
Internal |
Tax incentives and firm performance |
Manuel Coutinho Pereira |
Banco de Portugal |
2018 |
Closed |
SE_P031 |
External |
Firm heterogeneity and exports in Portugal: Identifying export potential |
Frederico Torres |
GEE - Ministério da Economia |
2018 |
Open |
SI_P042 |
Internal |
Firm productivity dynamics |
Hugo Reis |
Banco de Portugal |
2018 |
Open |
SI_P030 |
Internal |
The transmission of unconventional monetary policy to bank credit supply: Evidence from the TLTROS |
Joana Leite |
Banco de Portugal |
2018 |
Closed |
SE_P021 |
External |
Monetary policy transmission to bank lending and cross-country heterogeneity in the Euro area |
Pietro Grandi |
Université Paris 2, Panthéon-Assas |
2018 |
Closed |
SE_P087 |
External |
Impact of non-standard policy measures on bank risk taking and real outcomes in Portugal |
Ettore Panetti |
University of Naples Federico II |
2018 |
Open |
SI_P041 |
Internal |
Serial entrepreneurship and firm dynamics |
Sónia Félix |
Banco de Portugal |
2018 |
Open |
SE_P016 |
External |
The role of bank credit lines and employment |
Ana Rita Faria Costa |
Faculdade Economia Porto |
2018 |
Closed |
SE_P032 |
External |
The impact of highway tolls on the Portuguese business sector - a firm-level analysis |
Catarina Branco |
Nova SBE |
2018 |
Open |
SI_P031 |
Internal |
What is the impact of increased business competition? |
Sónia Félix |
Banco de Portugal |
2018 |
Open |
SI_P043 |
Internal |
Loan officers' incentives and loan performance |
Diana Bonfim |
Banco de Portugal |
2018 |
Open |
SE_P027 |
External |
Gazelles and their initial capital structure |
Filipa Pina |
Banco de Portugal |
2018 |
Open |
SE_P022 |
External |
Profit sharing behaviour in times of recession |
Luís Moura Ramos |
Universidade Coimbra |
2018 |
Closed |
SE_P037 |
External |
The cyclical properties of misallocation: Evidence from Portuguese micro data |
Sudipto Karmakar |
Bank of England |
2018 |
Closed |
SI_P037 |
Internal |
Control rights and real outcomes for firms in distress |
Diana Bonfim |
Banco de Portugal |
2018 |
Open |
SE_P017 |
External |
The role of bank credit lines and investment |
Maria Eduarda Graças |
Faculdade Economia Porto |
2018 |
Closed |
SE_P033 |
External |
Novas dinâmicas de investimento em Portugal |
Ana Fernandes |
GPEARI - Ministério das Finanças |
2018 |
Closed |
SI_P032 |
Internal |
Projeto de construção de indicador(es) sobre intensidade de restrições da oferta de crédito a sociedades não financeiras |
Maximiano Pinheiro |
Banco de Portugal |
2018 |
Closed |
SI_P044 |
Internal |
The bright side of bank-affiliated funds |
Diana Bonfim |
Banco de Portugal |
2018 |
Open |
SE_P028 |
External |
Real effects of the collateral channel: Evidence from a property tax reform |
Susana Peralta |
Nova SBE |
2018 |
Closed |
SI_P038 |
Internal |
Global capital flows and the role of macroprudential policy |
Diogo Sampaio |
Indiana University |
2018 |
Closed |
SE_P023 |
External |
Can Tax Enforcement Increase Employment? |
Besart Avdiu |
Goethe University Frankfurt |
2018 |
Open |
SE_P018 |
External |
Corporate leverage and investment in Portugal |
Ana Sofia Martins |
GEE - Ministério da Economia |
2018 |
Closed |
SE_P034 |
External |
Bond vs loans: The transmission of ECB's quantitative easing program |
Jin Cao |
Norges Bank |
2018 |
Closed |
SI_P033 |
Internal |
Relationship banking and heterogeneities in interest rate setting |
Manuel Lança |
Faculdade Economia Porto |
2018 |
Closed |
SE_P029 |
External |
Structural change and productivity: The financial sector and the allocation of resources in the Portuguese economy |
Fernando Alexandre |
Universidade Minho |
2018 |
Open |
SI_P039 |
Internal |
What did 1 trillion euros buy us? Evidence on the real effects of quantitative easing in Europe |
Luísa Farinha |
Banco de Portugal |
2018 |
Open |
SE_P035 |
External |
The scar effect of financial crises on capital misallocation and TFP |
Tiago Tavares |
Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo do México |
2018 |
Open |
SI_P034 |
Internal |
Effect of negative policy rates on the real economy |
Diana Bonfim |
Banco de Portugal |
2018 |
Open |
SE_P014 |
External |
A transferência de conhecimento no Entre Douro e Vouga – Dinâmicas de relacionamento e seu impacto na diversificação das atividades económicas |
Celeste Varum |
Universidade Aveiro |
2017 |
Closed |
SI_P027 |
Internal |
The impact of managers unobserved heterogeneity on firm's performance |
Maria Inês Black |
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona |
2017 |
Closed |
SE_P009 |
External |
SME's certification, access to credit and firm performance: A preliminary assessment |
Diana Bonfim |
Banco de Portugal |
2017 |
Open |
SI_P028 |
Internal |
Minimum wages, local labor market conditions and the entry and exit of firms |
Marta Silva |
Banco de Portugal |
2017 |
Open |
SI_P018 |
Internal |
Trends in educational attainment and workers’ qualifications in Portugal |
Manuel Coutinho Pereira |
Banco de Portugal |
2017 |
Closed |
SE_P004 |
External |
Inventory timing and financial constraints |
Diogo Mendes |
Nova SBE |
2017 |
Open |
SI_P011 |
Internal |
Credit supply |
Samuel Lopes |
Nova SBE |
2017 |
Closed |
SE_P015 |
External |
Asset and liability management in the banking sector |
Marta Cristina Mateus |
FCT Universidade Nova Lisboa |
2017 |
Open |
SI_P029 |
Internal |
Social contacts in the labor market |
Jose Garcia-Louzao |
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona |
2017 |
Open |
SE_P010 |
External |
CeNTER - Community-led territorial innovation - WP4 |
Celeste Varum |
Universidade Aveiro |
2017 |
Closed |
SI_P020 |
Internal |
The effects of quantitative easing on lending conditions |
Luísa Farinha |
Banco de Portugal |
2017 |
Closed |
SE_P005 |
External |
Inventory: Debt maturity matching |
Diogo Mendes |
Nova SBE |
2017 |
Open |
SI_P012 |
Internal |
A survival analysis of Portuguese firms |
Paulo Rodrigues |
Banco de Portugal |
2017 |
Closed |
SE_P011 |
External |
The Impact of Government-Sponsored Venture Capital (GSVC) on the Performance of Portuguese SMEs |
Carolina Vacas |
Nova SBE |
2017 |
Closed |
SI_P021 |
Internal |
Shocks and firms’ organization: who pays the bill? |
Alessandro Sforza |
London School of Economics |
2017 |
Open |
SE_P006 |
External |
Zombie firm impact on the Portuguese business environment |
Gabriel Osório de Barros |
GEE - Ministério da Economia |
2017 |
Closed |
SI_P013 |
Internal |
O impacto das aquisições na performance operacional das empresas portuguesas |
Sofia Gomes |
Faculdade Economia Porto |
2017 |
Closed |
SE_P012 |
External |
GDP growth and Active vs Passive strategies in bank management of non-performing loans in Portugal |
Pedro Brinca |
Nova SBE |
2017 |
Closed |
SE_P007 |
External |
Exporter firms behaviour: Evidence from Portuguese firms using microdata |
Luís Machado |
Faculdade Economia Porto |
2017 |
Closed |
SI_P014 |
Internal |
Employment protection and access to credit: Evidence from reforming the Portuguese labor market |
Diana Bonfim |
Banco de Portugal |
2017 |
Open |
SE_P002 |
External |
Tax exemptions and productivity |
Ana Cristina Soares |
Banco de Portugal |
2017 |
Closed |
SI_P019 |
Internal |
Wage inequality between permanent and fixed-term contracts: A firm-level analysis |
Marta Silva |
Banco de Portugal |
2017 |
Open |
SE_P013 |
External |
Corporate Taxation: Evasion, Incentives, and the Shadow Economy |
Risa Pavia |
Nova SBE |
2017 |
Open |
SI_P026 |
Internal |
Employment resilience in worker-owned firms |
José Garcia-Louzao |
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona |
2017 |
Closed |
SE_P008 |
External |
Impact of tax evasion on the real economy |
Fernando Martins |
2017 |
Closed |
SI_P017 |
Internal |
The impact of credit on firms' activities |
Francisco Augusto |
Banco de Portugal |
2017 |
Open |
SI_P015 |
Internal |
The impact of monetary policy shocks on private consumption in Portugal |
Carlos Santos |
Banco de Portugal |
2017 |
Closed |
SE_P003 |
External |
The short-term impact of firm entry deregulation |
Chiara Maggi |
Northwestern University |
2017 |
Closed |
SI_P010 |
Internal |
Collateral Damage? Labour Market Effects of Competing with China—at Home and Abroad |
Sónia Cabral |
Banco de Portugal |
2017 |
Closed |
SI_P024 |
Internal |
In fear of a break up: The impact of bank mergers & acquisition on credit-line drawdowns |
Sujiao (Emma) Zhao |
Banco de Portugal |
2017 |
Open |
SI_P004 |
Internal |
"Sorry, We're Closed" Bank Branch Closures, Loan Pricing, and Information Asymmetries |
Diana Bonfim |
Banco de Portugal |
2016 |
Closed |
SI_P006 |
Internal |
Managers and corporate decisions: the role of human capital |
Diana Bonfim |
Banco de Portugal |
2016 |
Open |
SI_P003 |
Internal |
When losses turn into loans: The cost of undercapitalized banks |
Laura Blattner |
Stanford University |
2016 |
Open |
SI_P007 |
Internal |
Wage inequality |
Pedro Portugal |
Banco de Portugal |
2016 |
Open |
SE_P001 |
External |
Analysis of market structure and performance in Portuguese industry |
Celeste Varum |
Universidade Aveiro |
2016 |
Closed |
SI_P008 |
Internal |
Segmentos verticais na industria do turismo: O caso da cidade do Porto |
Diogo Meireles |
UCP Porto |
2016 |
Closed |
SI_P009 |
Internal |
Essays on internal capital markets |
Tiago Pinho Pereira |
Banco de Portugal |
2016 |
Closed |